After receiving a sound foundation in Pakawaj, Sukhvinder had a desire to learn Tabla from none other than the world renowned Tabla Samrat Pandit Kishan Maharaj of Varanasi (Banaras Gharana), a living legend in Tabla playing. This intense urge of learning made him leave his home, family and childhood behind in late 1978 and proceed to Varanasi and dedicate his next eighteen years in the pursuit of tabla.
Pt. Kishan Maharaj saw the potential and dedications in the young Sukhvinder and gave him meticulous attention and tutelage. Pt. Kishan Maharaj takes pride in mentioning "Sukhvinder" as one of his best disciples who is carrying out the tradition of his "Banaras Baaj" (Banaras style of Tabla playing).
Sukhvinder has become a phenomenal tabla performer and is well known for his keen capability to capture the audience with his spontaneity, power and virtuosity during his performances.
Sukhvinder Singh has had a meteoric rise in popularity as an accompanist after several successful concerts with leading artists, such as Pandit Ravi Shankar, Late Ustad Vilayat Khan, Dr L Subramanuim (Violin), Ustad Amjad Ali Khan (Sarod), Pt. Hari Prasad Ji (Flute), Ustad Emrat Khan (Sitar), Ustad Fateh Ali Khan (Vocal), Pt. Ram Narayan (Sarangi) and Pt. Jas Raj Ji (Vocal). Ustad Sahid Parvez (Sitar). Sukhvinder has toured extensively across USA and India and has won a Grammy Award In 1994, with Ry Cooder for the Composition "A Meeting by the River".
Sukhvinder has also been a featured soloist with BBC Philharmonic Orchestra in London, and has also performed at the BBC Proms, he has more than 40 CD's in the markets worldwide, he also has a number of students, they have been learning from him for a number of years, they are also performing today.